Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i'm waiting dearly for it to come.

i think what i've felt today is mostly caused by my bloody hormones. i love you so much, no doubt and undeniably. but i can't deny myself that i am seriously annoyed to certain traits of yours. or maybe, just habits. but that doesn't mean it has lessen the love i have for you. never. i miss you, tau. i really do. but all i want you to do is to help me going through this. so that when you pop out the WUMM question, i would be happy to instantly say yes, without any hesitation or the need to consider it and what not.

i love you dearly. so much and it kills to not having you next to me. let's just hope this is temporary. because i would never trade you with anything else. even with million dollars. 

please come, you bloody period.

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