Thursday, October 22, 2015

special kids, super parents, great families.

health is a blessing, and freaking expensive. i never thought i could be this sick and weak. one day i thought i managed to beat it, next day it came double in pain. besarnya pahala jika mampu bersabar tapi kadang hilang sabar jugak menangis-nangis sampai tertidur hahaha so childish.

enough with my health, let's talk about the title. i have been reading tina's blog, so i have been following maqil's progress. tak pernah komen sebab rasa macam nak cakap panjang, tapi inappropriate sebab dekat blog orang kau dah kenapa nak membebel hahaha. but i can't stop thinking of how blessed this child is, just like the other special kids i have met since i work here. 

this is my sixth year teaching here. i can see the trend, that nowadays more special kids start to come to our institution to study. dulu, kita selalu rasa bimbang apalah nak jadi dengan anak-anak istimewa ni kan? macam risaunya siapa nak jaga diorang, how are they going to survive etc. tapi recent years, the awareness of these kids' well-being has increased, walaupun masih jauh nak dibandingkan dengan negara-negara barat, at least we could see progress. 

and it has made me realize, these kids are special bukan sebab diorang ni kekurangan akal or perhaps their development are slower or lesser than the normal ones; but these kids are special because they are gifted, their conscience are better than us, their humanity is beyond our imagination. they are blessed with 'things' we are either lacking or not even exist at all. perhaps you could say what i've seen is only minimal, and diorang pun dah besar so things are different, but the early intervention or family's effort cannot be denied.

these kids are blessed to have great parents, great siblings and a great family. and we are grateful to have these parents and families to care for them. there is a story of a boy who is autistic. we adore him, because he was different. at first, we were scared because we didn't have much exposure on handling special kids. takut kalau salah handling ke cemana kan. within few weeks being here, we learnt a lot about him, and we were sad when he had to leave because the system can't fit him here.

this boy loves malaysia, he knows history more than us the normal people do. he loves going to the mosque to pray, never miss solat berjemaah. disayangi kawan-kawan kerana baik hati, dan orangnya pandai bergaul, berjenaka. bila bercerita tentang keluarga, memang  dia sangat disayangi adik beradik kerana dia istimewa. mak, ayah, abang kakak sedia datang bila-bila masa untuk bantu dia di sini, sentiasa memberikan kerjasama bila perlu. they treat him macam orang lain, and will give more when needed. aku sendiri rasa cemburu mengetahui betapa dia disayangi. betapa Allah itu maha Adil; hakikatnya dia tak kurang apa-apa.

he came back to visit us, and he cried when we asked how was he doing there. at the new place. he wasn't happy. we were not happy to know that. when we asked why were you unhappy, he said his friends didn't pray, they smoked, and they didn't recite al-quran. he missed being here. nak solat jemaah, nak ke masjid dengan kawan-kawan. nak cakap apa lagi? aku pun insaf sebab aku pun solat kat rumah je. masjid pun malas pergi, jujur ni habaq huhu. 

this kid berjaya buka mata aku, buat aku insaf. sebab despite what we thought dia serba kekurangan, dia sebenarnya lebih dekat dengan Allah. walaupun hakikatnya status dia istimewa di sisi Allah, he never fails untuk berbakti lebih lagi. kita? kita ni solat pun lambat. dia cukup time je dah siap berwudhuk. 

these kids are special bukan sebab mereka kurang itu ini, tapi mereka ni special sebab mengingatkan kita bahawa Allah tu maha kuasa, maha adil, maha sempurna. kita adalah sebaik-baik kejadian. they are special sebab diorang mampu mengubah hati manusia dengan menjadi diri mereka sendiri. semoga Allah melindungi anak-anak ini, dan memberi kita lebih peluang untuk menjadi lebih baik melalui anak-anak ini.

tina, if you are reading this - you and your husband are amazing. maqil is a gift that many people would envy you for having this opportunity membesarkan anak syurga. it's gonna be tough, it's gonna be hard but Allah is with you, always. 

to those yang mempunyai anak-anak istimewa, jangan berhenti berdoa, jangan berhenti berusaha sebab Allah suka kita usaha kuat-kuat, taat, bergantung dan berserah pada Dia. kerana anak-anak kalian, we are working on things that can help them here, so doakan kami berjaya. we want them to get what they deserve, so we are planning things for them. semoga usaha kita dalam membantu dan mendidik mereka dibantu dan dipermudahkan, insyaAllah.

walaupun hakikatnya, diorang yang sebenar-benarnya mendidik kita lebih lagi. terima kasih, korang sebab bagi kami peluang getting to know your kids. :)

p/s: sebenarnya, seeloknya kena cakap terima kasih jugak pada semua parents yang mendidik anak sebaik mungkin, anak-anak yang akhlak sungguh terpuji. sejuk hati dan mata kami tengok anak korang kat sini. semoga syurga milik korang, sebab susah payah berjihad membesarkan dan mendidik amanah Allah. terima kasih, korang sebab mudahkan kerja kami. :)


  1. I just cried reading this. This is too meaningful.

    True, I think Maqil has changed my life in so many ways. He taught me the real meaning of love, patience and faith. And I am forever grateful to him.

    Thank you again for this post. I love it.

    1. honestly, i almost cried when i typed the entry hahaha. rasa macam sebak mak-mak sangat LOL.
