Wednesday, July 6, 2011

pembawakan budak.

aku boleh terima kalau pembawakan budak tu buat kau over sensitif, suka menangis, suka marah-marah, loya sana loya sini pening sana pening sini. but when you become a nosy person, aku aneh sebab so far this is a rare case. aku tak tahu pula pembawakan budak bisa buat kau tetiba rasa nak jadi sherlock holmes.

in case kau tak perasan, tempat kita kerja pelajarnya diajar supaya tidak bemulut begitu puaka seperti aku untuk menegur yang kau sebukkan sangat itu cuma perkara remeh. aku malu kerana kita berkongsi profession yang sama yet kau macam lupa yang tugas hakiki kau itu mendidik, bukan jadi penyelidik tak bergaji. dahlah yang kau selidikkan itu hal gosip atau cerita liar pelajar. tak ada kerja sangat, ke?

aku malu sebab kita dilihat sebagai pendidik, sepatutnya bersikap lebih matang dan bukan melaga pelajar sana-sini. haih malulah sikit pada anak yang belum lahir. kalau besok keluar perangai penyibuk macam kau, memang aku slam terus setepek aku bagi dimuka. stress, tahu?

tak seronok bila pelajar datang bercerita itu ini, bertanyakan aku itu ini as if aku sama penyibuk macam kau. sorry beb, i tell them exactly how i feel and somehow like it or not it may have left some stain on your name. entahlah, call me bad but still that can't justify your ridiculous action in handling the matter.

you are playing with a girl's pride. where did you put your brain when you decided to INVESTIGATE the matter? because all that i can see now - seems like the girl is on the losing end. what the heck happens to us who are supposed to save her face from humiliation? first, you had just listened to her classmates on how gedik she is. when you asked me, i couldn't agree with that because she behaved in my class and i see her as a very young lady who is going through another phase of her life. what is so difficult about that that you can't understand? weren't you young before? and aren't we ladies too? aren't you ashamed if you were in her shoes? why?? kerana dia berniqab ke maka kau hukum dia kerana bersifat manusia biasa yang punya rasa suka, sayang dan cinta pada kaum adam? sejujurnya, layakkah kau menilai dia? siapa kau?

haih stupid stupid you. i am mad because you can't see the damage you've done. and i can. if anything happens to that young lady, you'll be the one i'll curse straight onto your face. seriously, beb.

i think your nonsense is beyond tolerance. stupid moron idiot. haih no word can actually define you. seriously.


  1. btul2..perangai tah paper. igt awl2 dlu kewl sgt..rupenye penyibuk.. dh la cm bodo2 dungu sket.

  2. ngu3 awal2 dulu kewl la sebab tak kahwin and tak pregnant lagi. tetiba dah pregnant jadi nosy lady plak isk3.
