Wednesday, June 29, 2011

we tend to neglect the small things.
because they seem not important to us, at all.

but we forget that usually the small things complement others and make them perfect.
just like a picture drawn by a great painter.
small details enhance the beauty.


i try to remind myself to keep my ego down.
because ego makes you blind.
you couldn't see the truth because the ego won't let you.
but even if you do, definitely ego will held you up.
just like always.

how i wish i could forgive and forget.
but why each time i recall it still hurts and i could feel pain.
and i'm not sure i'm even ready to look at you.
after what you've done and said to me.

no, you are not at fault.
it was me.
it's always me never you.

i don't feel like i'm okay.
and i don't know how great my acting is.
let's see how far i can stretch what i've learned.

hope God is with me.
and papa's blood remains in my veins.
at least a bit of his, i would be glad.

how i wish he's here.
because it's his wisdom and shoulder i miss so much.

why can't people be nice to others?
maybe this is the price i need to pay.
for all the scratches and bruises i've given away.


  1. alaa today x dpt jumpe..jumpe jumaat la ok..hik3..

  2. ngu3 ha jumaat... takut... hak3.
